Saturday, April 25, 2015

Felling Trees

Been dropping some live trees.  Started with trees overhanging the garage, with potential of doing damage if they fell or dropped branches onto the roof.  A total of 3 hardwoods and 1 dead pine were dropped without damage.  One brushed against the power lines, which couldn't be helped, but didn't bring them down.  It was either bring the tree down perfectly, or drop it on the garage, or bring down the power line.  I was lucky to bring it down perfectly.  Here's some trees dropped behind the garage, and out of harms way:

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

It's spring of 2015.  Things are just beginning to green up.  Been doing yard work; cutting and burning brush and leaves.  Starting to drop some trees to allow more growing room and better conditions for the remaining trees including some pine stands.  Wild mushroom season starts soon, which has me very excited.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Our Home

The forest gives us a hug during the warmer months. Lots of green, lots of bugs, lots of berries and mushrooms. Jungle sounds surround us. Poison and venomous things grow and creep closer. They've been here longer than us:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Things To Listen To cont.


An independent freeform station broadcasting at 91.1 fm in New York.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Things To Listen To cont.

The Daily Psychedelic Video -

"The Daily Psychedelic Video is an internet gallery of psychedelic videos, dedicated to the exploration of psychedelic aesthetics in cinema, TV, commercials and web videos.
The original idea behind the DPV was to create a web bank of psychedelic videos, so that any person in the midst of a mind blowing psychedelic experience can always have easy access to high-quality psychedelic videos to trip with.
As  the DPV evolved it became a site dedicated to psychedelic aesthetic and aimed to a wide range of viewers with an interest in psychedelic aesthetics, from the psychedelically savvy to  psychedelically naive viewers who wish to have a surrogate web-video experience..."

Where We Live cont.

This is a panorama of our neighbor's yard behind us. There are spring fed ponds and a creek between us. One pond is beautiful, cool and deep. I'll get a picture of it sometime.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Where We Live

Picture of the east ridge looking across the horse ranch next door: